Nature Citizen

Cherishing All Life

Creating a Nature Space - Together Building a Nature Network

The solutions are in our hands!
Individual actions really do make a difference and collectively they can have a big impact. Without bees and other invertebrates our world would be a very different place, they are vital to the life cycle of many plants and trees!
This includes the variety of food we eat, the flowers we enjoy and the plants and trees we use.

Bees and other pollinating insects feed on the pollen and nectar that are in the flowers, they have different length tongues (proboscis) and are about at different times of the year. Therefore with whatever room you have available, by planting a variety of plants that are in flower at different times of year for as much of the year as possible, that vary in shape, colour and height is the key to providing an ongoing plentiful supply of food for them. By ensuring they survive, this in turns helps us to thrive.

Nature Citizen is a local voluntarily run charity based in Polstead, aiming to increase the abundance of biodiversity locally through the 'Together Building a Nature Network Project'. Please contact Lisa Matthews via email mobile 07513 484302 for more information and to support the Charity please follow us on Facebook (Nature Citizen) and lnstagram (nature_citizen). Thank you.

Charity Number 1166223